

Thank you for your continued financial support! Your donations allow us to meet our financial obligations such as maintaining the church building, property, and paying our wonderful staff.   For those who normally put a donation on the plate on Sunday mornings, here are some alternative ways you may contribute:


The United Church of Canada says, “sometimes life’s agenda takes over our best-laid plans. With PAR, you don’t have to worry about writing a cheque or forgetting to donate because life has thrown you a curveball. By signing up for PAR, you make a clear statement of what is important to you. You also give the recipients of your gift the peace of mind that comes with knowing your help is stable and reliable.”

PAR stands for Pre-Authorized Remittance.  If you are not on PAR and would like to be here is the process:

  1. Complete the form.
  2. Return the completed form to SUC’s Main Office by dropping it in during office hours, mail it in, or give it to the Minister after service on Sunday.
  3. You will receive confirmation that your PAR has been processed.

Need to make a change to your PAR?


It is possible to transfer funds directly to the church through your online banking account to the Treasurer.   You need to set the church up as an Interac e-transfer PAYEE.

Use as the email address.

Initiate your Interac e-transfer and create a security question.  Ensure you email the answer to your security question in a “separate” email to the Treasurer for security reasons.

If you wish to direct your donation to a fund other than local operating expenses please indicate this in your email.


Those who regularly contribute by cheque can still do so.  Drop your cheque off at the Main Office or mail it to:

6255 Fernbank Road,  Stittsville, ON  K2S 1X5


Click the link on this page to donate through our Canada Helps account (similar to PayPal, but for charities)


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